“It’s time to wake up. To take notice. To raise our voices. It’s time to build back better for People and Planet.” These are the words behind June 5th’s World Environment Day, and it’s a message that we’re happy to support here at ABB Turbocharging.
Companies are custodians of the world for future generations. We have a duty to protect the environment, to create more sustainable and more efficient solutions when it comes to transport, power generation and all other industries.
As Peter Voser, the chairman of ABB’s board of directors, explains: “We see it as our duty to shape digitalization, the energy transition and the digital transformation in a socially and ecologically responsible way. Close to 60 percent of our global revenues come from solutions that protect the environment and combat global warming. We want to increase this percentage even further in 2020.”
Peter’s message is perfectly aligned with our own thoughts here at ABB Turbocharging, and it’s an approach that’s particularly relevant for World Environment Day, which is highlighting biodiversity as the theme for 2020.
“Healthy ecosystems, rich with biodiversity, are fundamental to human existence,” the movement explains. “Ecosystems sustain human life in a myriad of ways, cleaning our air, purifying our water, ensuring the availability of nutritious foods, nature-based medicines and raw materials, and reducing the occurrence of disasters.”
Pollution and emissions are major drivers behind biodiversity loss, with climate change and temperature increases around the planet threatening the world as we know it. It’s something we care deeply about at ABB Turbocharging, and we’re trying our best to cut emissions both through our production practices and through the solutions we produce.

Reversing climate change requires a huge effort from all industries, and ABB Turbocharging is ideally placed to help companies in the fight to protect the environment. Along with cutting costs, our engine upgrades have helped clients like Gujarat Fluorochemicals (GFL) to lower their fuel consumption and emissions. Upgraded parts have also boosted reliability, increasing component lifetime.
Our Turbo LifeCycleCare agreements with companies like Burge Bulk have helped businesses to keep their fleets running without issues, not only increasing reliability and reducing costs, but also ensuring that engines are running as efficiently as possible, cutting emissions and again making parts last longer.
Our innovative product range also stands out when it comes to reduced emissions, and our Power2 two-stage turbocharging system is a great example of ways that companies can achieve more for less, offering fuel-savings of more than 5% in comparison to the turbocharger it replaces.
And, as we previously explained, our direct work with ship owners and operators has resulted in lower CO2 and NOx emissions. Add the ability for engineers to analyze and understand exactly what’s going on in their engine rooms, thanks to products like ABB Ability Tekomar XPERT for fleet, and it’s possible for companies to reduce their emissions quickly and efficiently.
Much bigger changes will be required in years to come, with alternative fuels just one of the ways we can further reduce harmful emissions, but as World Environment Day points out, it’s time to start caring about the world we live in. “To care for ourselves we must care for nature.”