Sustainability at Accelleron

When we talk about sustainability at Accelleron, we describe how we integrate environmental and social issues into our business model and contribute to realizing the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Our definition of sustainability embraces the interconnectivity of environmental, social, and economic impacts. In Accelleron’s sustainability strategy, these three topics are represented by three pillars: People, Products & Services and Planet. We call this our 3P approach.

Paris Climate Agreement as Framework

The Paris Climate Agreement was adopted at COP 21 in December 2015 with the central goal of holding “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursuing efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.” For Accelleron, the implications are clear: Like other entities, businesses must take forceful measures to reduce the negative effects on the environment, on society and on the business. The reports of the IPCC have continued to emphasize the urgent need to reduce humanity’s GHG emissions. At Accelleron, we acknowledge the Paris Climate Agreement as a clear call to action. That is why we have made it a focal point of our sustainability strategy.  

ESG Ratings

As of 2024, Accelleron received an MSCI ESG rating of A.

More about MSCI rating


Accelleron is a participant of the UN Global Compact.

Accelleron is committed to the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi).

Companies taking action - Science Based Targets

Accelleron’s Sustainability Targets

Health and safety

Reach Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) 0.2 by end of 2030.

Results in 2024

Progress against target red

Employee development

By 2026, every employee to have at least two working days as training per year (16 hours per year).

Results in 2024
In 2024, every employee had on average 17 hours of training (excluding our Fuel Injection division).

Progress against target green

Inclusion and diversity.

Women make up 25% of senior management by end of 2025.

Results in 2024

Progress against target green

Local community

Have at least one project that gives back to the community per year per local unit, starting 2027.

Results in 2024
52 projects were completed.

Progress against target green

Responsible innovation

Portfolio ready for future carbon-neutral fuels like methanol, ammonia, and hydrogen, by 2030, scalable and ready to sell in production.

Results in 2024
We delivered the first products for applications that will run on future carbon-neutral fuels, and we have committed a substantial part of our R&D resources to optimizing our products for use with future carbon- neutral fuels. We took further steps in 2024 and we continue to make progress in qualifying our next generation of low- speed turbochargers, the ACCX300-L series in our Medium & Low Speed division, for use with future carbon-neutral fuels. We have observed an increasing interest from the market for this readiness. The High Speed division has also continued to work on hydrogen combustion. While engines for both hydrogen blending and 100% hydrogen combustion at lower power density are available, the High Speed division has continued its collaboration with engine building customers to develop turbocharged engines that operate with 100% hydrogen, while maintaining an engine power density comparable to natural gas.

Progress against target yellow

Responsible supply chain

100% of direct material suppliers in high-risk countries audited according to sustainability criteria by end 2028; 80% of direct material suppliers to have business continuity plans including climate risk by 2030.

Results in 2024
9 audits were performed in 2024, encompassing 20% of suppliers in high risk countries. We issued a climate change survey to our suppliers representing 80% of direct material carbon emissions.

Progress against target yellow

Circular economy

We will continue to promote and execute solutions to support customers in achieving their decarbonization targets, with a focus on our comprehensive portfolio of retrofits/upgrades that help equip existing vessels for the decarbonization and energy transition journey.

Results in 2024
New target. Progress will be reported in the next report.

Progress against target
New target

Environmental impact of our operations and our products

Reduce our CO2 emissions by 70% (Scope 1 and 2) compared to 2022 levels by 2030. Ambition to reduce our Scope 3 in line with the Paris Agreement, with targets to be set in the SBTi process.

Results in 2024
We reduced our Scope 1 + 2 by about 13% in comparison to 2022 for Accelleron (excl. OMT).

Progress against target yellow

Environmental impact of our operations

3 % reduction in “bought electricity/revenues” by 2030 vs. 2024.

Results in 2024
In 2024 we conducted an energy assessment of the remaining sites and launched an energy efficiency strategy which defines global efficiency targets. Progress will be reported in the next report.

Progress against target New target

Environmental impact of our operations

Zero waste to landfill and 90% waste recycling rate for non-hazardous waste by 2030.1

Results in 2024
In 2024, 29.6 tons of waste were sent to landfill (vs. 55 t in 2023) and 88% of non-hazardous waste was sent for recycling (not including US, Middle East and Africa).

Progress against target yellow

Environmental impact of our operations

Water efficiency target is: Move from level 1 (single usage of water) in water efficiency to a higher maturity level by end of 2026, within the Service division.2

Results in 2024
We assessed water usage in the service network and defined guidance for improving the main industrial processes that use water. We hierarchized the use of water in 4 maturity levels. We broke water usage down into a four-tier hierarchy. Level 1 is defined as no water reuse, followed by level 2 (water reuse), level 3 (semi-automated water use) and level 4 (fully automated water use).

Progress against target New target


1. Excluding US, Middle East, and Africa.

2. Fuel Injection division and manufacturing sites are excluded from the target as their industrial water usage is based on a closed loop system, which equates to level 2 or higher.

green On trajectory towards the target
yellow Some progress made towards target
red Not aligned with target

Turbocharging was invented more than a century ago, with the sole purpose of improving efficiency, and thus reducing environmental impact with less fuel, less emissions. This is the DNA of our business. Moving further, we are committed to delivering solutions that help accelerate industry transformation towards a decarbonized world.

Daniel Bischofberger, CEO of Accelleron

Annual Report 2024

Sustainability at the core

People at Accelleron work together to strengthen social and environmental impacts. Sustainability principles play an integral part in the company’s business.

Accelleron - Annual Report
Sustainability Report 2024

Long-term perspective

To be truly sustainable you need a long-term perspective, and at Accelleron we put that at the center of our company purpose – accelerating sustainability in the marine and energy sectors.

Financial reports

Building a strong governance framework

Accelleron has a robust sustainability governance framework that  incorporates sustainability considerations into main decision-making processes.

Voices on sustainability

Enabling decarbonization

Accelleron plays a vital role in facilitating the decarbonization journey, for the maritime industry in  particular.

E-fuels in the shipping industry

A survey of decision-makers at companies in the maritime industry

We’re here to help.

If you have any questions about our sustainability commitments, please get in touch.