Ad hoc announcements

Ad hoc announcements pursuant to Art. 53 LR

charge! magazine

Calculating the financial impact of FuelEU Maritime

Accelleron has updated its digital services with WtW (Well to Wake) emissions accounting to help streamline analysis and reporting, as ship operators prepare for Europe’s new greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity regulations.

A thumbnail image showing a container ship illustration

Harnessing Data for Sustainable Shipping: Navigating new regulations

Faced with a growing compliance burden, ship operators are seeking solutions to simplify their reporting workload. Accelleron uses data-driven insights to ease this burden, turning compliance challenges into strategic opportunities.

A thumbnail image showing a ship surrounded by illustrations depicting data

Digital insights for engine optimization critical, as ship operators deal with EU carbon pricing for the first time

Accelleron Tekomar XPERT helps mitigate EU ETS and FuelEU Maritime costs.

Accelleron - International shipping embraces digital technology

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