
Robust sustainability governance framework

Sustainability is a key part of Accelleron’s strategy, and as such an elementary responsibility of the Board of Directors. The Nomination and Compensation Committee (NCC) of the BoD is working closely with management to prepare the strategic discussions and decision-taking by the BoD.

Since November 2023, the CEO is supported by a newly created Sustainability Committee, consisting of several senior management members: CEO, CFO, CHRO/CSO, VP Communications, VP Value Chain, General Counsel and VP Strategy & Investor Relations. These functions meet on a regular basis to ensure a swift collaboration and coordination between all departments as well as ensuring an effective communication with the NCC and Board of Directors. 

The members of the Executive Committee (EC) are responsible for implementing the sustainability strategy and cascading targets and measures throughout the organization. They assign responsibilities and review progress. The CEO and the EC are further supported by a designated Global Health, Safety and Environment team (HSE) and a Sustainability Manager that reports to the Chief Human Resources and Sustainability Officer (CHRSO), a member of the EC.

Code of Conduct

Our Accelleron Code of Conduct (CoC) is the cornerstone of our commitment to upholding integrity in all areas. It applies globally to all our people including in consolidated joint venture companies. A dedicated Supplier CoC applies to our suppliers and other business partners, focused on SA 8000 norm, ISO 14001 and the IPCC’s latest criteria. More information may be found here.

Annual Report 2024

Sustainability at the core

People at Accelleron work together to strengthen social and environmental impacts. Sustainability principles play an integral part in the company’s business.


Supplying to Accelleron

At Accelleron we have the mission to deliver the best in class Supply Chain services.

E-fuels in the shipping industry

A survey of decision-makers at companies in the maritime industry

We’re here to help.

If you have any questions about our sustainability commitments, please get in touch.