As a standalone company since October 2022, Accelleron has sought to make sustainability an integrated part of the business strategy. Our approach ensures that key relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns are recognized and managed. Accelleron is committed to building a culture in which all employees collaborate on and drive progress in sustainability as an integrated part of our business.

Our sustainability strategy was developed after conducting a materiality assessment in 2022. This assessment included extended interviews with more than 40 internal and external stakeholders. The results enabled us to develop our first materiality matrix.

Our 3P approach

In our sustainability strategy, material topics are represented by three pillars: People, Products & Services and Planet. We call this our 3P approach.

Each of the three pillars represent our measurable sustainability targets:



Health and safety

Reach LTIFR 0.2 by end of 2025.
(Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate)
Employee developmentBy 2026, every employee to have at least two working days as training.
Inclusion and diversityWomen to make up 25% of senior management by end of 2025.
Local communityHave at least one project that gives back to the community per year per local unit, starting 2027.


Responsible innovationPortfolio ready for alternative fuel by 2030, scalable and ready to sell in production.
Responsible supply chain100% of direct material suppliers in high-risk countries audited according to sustainability criteria by end 2028;
80% of direct material suppliers to have business continuity plans including climate risk by 2030.
Circular economyIn 2024, provide a concept of how circularity could contribute to Accelleron’s sustainability targets, further support customers while still providing a business case in line with our growth strategy.


Environmental impact of our operations and our productsReduce our CO2 emissions by 70% (scope 1 and 2) compared to 2022 levels by 2030. Ambition to reduce our scope 3 in line with the Paris Agreement, with targets to be set in 2024.
Environmental impact of our operations and our productsAssess our energy consumption and set energy-related targets in 2024.
Environmental impact of our operations and our productsZero waste to landfill and 90% waste recycling rate for non-hazardous waste by 2030.1
Environmental impact of our operations and our productsAssess our water footprint and set water intensity reduction target in 2024.

1. Except US, Middle East and Africa.

These targets have been cascaded down through our organization. 

We incentivize our people to focus on the achievement of these targets through bonus schemes. As from 2024, our long-term executive incentive programs include targets linked to scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, but also to some of our scope 3 emissions. Overall, bonus schemes do not only exist for top management but also for any employee subject to our variable salary policy.

As part of our initiatives, we organize sustainability awareness sessions for our management positions in 2024.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our targets contribute directly to the achievement of seven of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals:

Those selected goals are

• SDG 3: Good health and well being

• SDG 4: Quality education

• SDG 5: Gender equality

• SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

• SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

• SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

• SDG 13: Climate action

Annual Report 2023

Sustainability at the core

People at Accelleron work together to strengthen social and environmental impacts. Sustainability principles play an integral part in the company’s business.

Governance & Certificates

Building a strong governance framework

Accelleron has a robust sustainability governance framework that  incorporates sustainability considerations into main decision-making processes.

E-fuels in the shipping industry

A survey of decision-makers at companies in the maritime industry

We’re here to help.

If you have any questions about our sustainability commitments, please get in touch.