Accelleron helps Mercy Ships reduce floating hospital service costs

Press release | Baden, Switzerland | Nov 2, 2023

Accelleron has signed a strategic partnership with METIS Cyberspace Technology
  • Labor cost donation reduces overhaul expenses on four Accelleron turbochargers on hospital ship MV Africa Mercy
  • Contribution supports Mercy Ships’ mission to provide free medical care and training to vulnerable communities worldwide
  • Project is part of Accelleron’s planned expansion of charitable intiatives focused on giving back to the community

Accelleron has supported a turbocharger overhaul on the hospital ship MV Africa Mercy, operated by non-governmental organization Mercy Ships. The support, in the form of discounted labor, will enable the vessel to continue its mission of delivering free medical care and training to people without access to safe surgery, including in some of the world’s most vulnerable developing economies.

The 43-year-old vessel, which houses five operating rooms and a recovery ward for more than 80 patients, was drydocked at DORMAC Shipyard in Durban, South Africa following its most recent deployment. Accelleron engineers serviced four main engine VTR320 turbochargers.

Accelleron’s support will reduce the cost burden on a charity providing vital services to communities that need it most, especially in Africa. Crewed by volunteer staff, Mercy Ships partners with each host nation’s health ministries to offer free surgeries and post-operative care, reducing the burden of unmet surgical needs. Africa Mercy is one of two hospital ships run by the organization and has been serving communities around Africa since 2007.

The scheduled maintenance of Accelleron turbochargers ensure that the Africa Mercy's propulsion engines always run efficiently. Accelleron’s service and support is a direct contribution to maintenance thereby also supporting the Africa Mercy voyages to our field service destinations. The new corporate partnership with Mercy Ships is part of Accelleron’s extensive and growing portfolio of projects that aim to support people and communities in need. This year the company will contribute to around 15 community projects worldwide, with the aim of growing that number to more than 100 over the next two years.

Ciaran Holden, Director of Operations, Mercy Ships, said:

“Accelleron’s support has helped Mercy Ships to maintain our four propulsion engine turbochargers ensuring that she can continue to deliver vital healthcare to patients in vulnerable communities for many years to come. Mercy Ships has been fortunate to be well supported both in funding and in technical expertise by several maritime companies and we are delighted to have the backing of Accelleron as our latest corporate partner.”

Roland Schwarz, Accelleron Division President Service, added:

“Accelleron aims to be a positive contributor to societies. Where we can use our expertise to do so, it is doubly rewarding. By contributing to the life extension of Africa Mercy, we can help Mercy Ships allocate less of its budget to maintenance and more to saving lives, helping them bring hope and healing to the communities that rely on their presence.”

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