Upgrade to coated nozzle rings
Nozzle rings are critical. In your powerplant turbochargers, they directly convert exhaust gas energy into kinetic energy and power. Dirty nozzle rings reduce fuel and emissions efficiency and demand regular cleaning. But upgraded and optimized, they deliver engines that perform at their best – and a huge reduction in maintenance.
Small component. Big impact.
Airflow into your marine engines depends directly on the cleanliness and efficiency of the nozzle rings. But combustion processes can quickly build up deposits, reducing the efficiency of the nozzle rings and the engine. When nozzle rings become contaminated, they require extensive cleaning - and that means engine downtime.
Dirty nozzle rings = serious downtime.
Dirty nozzle rings require turbine washing. Taking an average engine runtime of 6000 hours per year, that can mean 60 hours of reduced engine load every year. That’s costly for your business.
Upgrade to coated nozzle rings. Extend cleaning intervals 6x.
Coated nozzle rings have a far greater resistance to dirt build-up. They can cut cleaning cycles from 60 times per year to just 10. That’s a big leap in the annual availability of your engines.
$3.3m extra earnings. Coated nozzle rings in action.
Caribbean energy company EGE Haina reports, “With the upgrade to Accelleron’s coated nozzle rings we have been able to extend our intervals between cleaning from 50 to 300 running hours. This means we regain nearly 1,900MWh of otherwise lost power on each engine annually with even less maintenance effort.”