Christoph Rofka

President of the Medium, Low Speed & Rail Division, is a German citizen born in 1967.

Binding interest¹: Vice President Communication of CIMAC.

Christoph Rofka remained with Accelleron following the spin-off from ABB, where he was appointed Head of the Medium & Low Speed product group in 2020. Christoph Rofka held a number of positions within ABB’s Turbocharging Division from 1995 onward, including as Technology Manager and manager of various product lines. Christoph Rofka holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Leibniz University Hannover.



¹ “Binding interests” describes activities on management and supervisory bodies of major organizations and/or permanent management or advisory functions for important interest groups, in accordance with the SIX Directive on information relating to corporate governance.